03 Mar

When a relationship ends, no matter how long or intense it was, it is like a little death in your life. Because first you lose a person and second you lose plans and dreams that were conncted with this person. This means that you must go through the phases of grief. And exactly here, we can get great support with Holistic Health Coaching and/or Shiatsu. Because grief takes place on all levels. It can also be very physical. Especially the meridians of the heart and the pericardium suffer a lot in this time and we can help them intentionally to digest all this better. You must not go through all this alone. Get in touch with me and we smooth up your path together.

The phases of grief

The phases of grief, as described by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book "On Death and Dying," are often referred to as the Kübler-Ross model or the five stages of grief. It's important to note that these stages are not necessarily linear, and individuals may experience them in different orders or revisit certain stages multiple times. The phases are as follows:

  1. Denial: This initial stage involves disbelief or shock in response to the loss. Individuals may have difficulty accepting the reality of the situation and may attempt to minimize or deny the impact of the loss altogether.
  2. Anger: As the reality of the loss sets in, individuals may experience feelings of anger and frustration. This anger can be directed towards oneself, others, or even the deceased. It's a natural response to feelings of helplessness and unfairness.
  3. Bargaining: In this stage, individuals may attempt to negotiate or make deals in an effort to reverse or postpone the loss. This can involve making promises to a higher power or seeking alternative solutions to avoid the pain of the loss.
  4. Depression: As the full weight of the loss becomes apparent, individuals may experience feelings of sadness, loneliness, and despair. This stage is characterized by a sense of profound emptiness and hopelessness as the individual grapples with the reality of their loss.
  5. Acceptance: The final stage involves coming to terms with the loss and integrating it into one's sense of self and life. This doesn't necessarily mean feeling happy or okay with the loss, but rather reaching a state of emotional peace and acceptance. It's important to note that acceptance doesn't necessarily mean forgetting or moving on from the loss entirely, but rather finding a way to live with it.

These stages of grief are not prescriptive, and individuals may experience them differently or not at all. Additionally, the grieving process is highly individualized and influenced by factors such as cultural beliefs, personality traits, and the nature of the loss itself. It's also common for individuals to experience a range of emotions beyond these five stages and to move back and forth between them as they navigate the grieving process.

Exercise to ease your broken heart

When your heart is broken, your whole body can hurt. Especially the area of the chest. Or it can even feel numb. Let´s try to move the energy and to help your body to deal with this emotions. Here is an exercise to do so...

With your thumb, massage your arms (especially the inner forearms) and hands. Do slow and deep movements with your thumb, feel where you have tensions, it might be sensitive in this area.  Massage especially the middle and the small fingers - here end the heart and the pericardium meridians.

Then shake your whole body. Shake it off!

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